Friday, January 15, 2010

Addiction Research I'm Taking A Psychology Course And Need To Do A Research Project On Addiction..?

I'm taking a Psychology course and need to do a research project on addiction..? - addiction research

all the books that have tried to find a self-help kind of book .. or a novel that is connected in some form of dependency. Does anyone know a book that taught me much about the psychology of addiction?


Kuve said...

I suggest that publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (1994), revised in 2000, leading to definitions, and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10-GM Version 2005) for the Bio - chemical explanations. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have a lot of good information. Good luck.

bluegoat... said...

Go to most research cited. You can read a summary, and the entire article if you use the computer at the university if they have paid for magazine subscriptions. Also cited are books and research summaries. Enter a function of research. (College psych prof)

Vivian X said...

Hello ... Watch people in danger .. by Terence Dunilho
Published by the type and nature box200 Gladwyne 19035-0200 USA

A real book really old stuff on addiction and co-dependency ... Type

In Yo Face! said...

Addiction is when someone is obsessed with something

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