Saturday, January 30, 2010

Acog Clone Scopes Are There Any ACOG Clone Scopes That Can Be Used On A Real Firearm?

Are there any ACOG clone scopes that can be used on a real firearm? - acog clone scopes

I am looking for an area that is a clone or replica of Trijicon ACOG series for use in an AR-15 platform could, but the truths are so damned expensive (about $ 1K more than new) book. But again, I heard many imitations are not decent enough. I have also heard that the clones can not properly ACOG zero with a rifle, 223 Cal.

My budget is about $ 200, unless someone recommends you buy a real use for $ 600, because I am from paris which had advantages and disadvantages.

In any case, any help is welcome. Thank you!

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