Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shoes Can Go In Fire Have You Ever Set Fire To Your Shoes To Improve Your Dancing Style?

Have you ever set fire to your shoes to improve your dancing style? - shoes can go in fire

I can not walk and


Zachary C said...

No, it just does not seem logical and safety reasons:

Please help my question: ...

R.S. said...

nope not really, but not as good, or dancing anyway.

Josh said...

Yes, I have the fire to his shoes, had nothing to do with improving my dancing style.

Hephaest... said...

Yes, we have all the time.

SCOPE! said...

No, because it does not help

Happy Murcia said...

Ha, ha, no, but it might me a better dancer

youlonge... said...

No, I can not say never. But you've never seen dance classes?

Lady NYC said...

YES! Stop Drop and move the rollers are the best on the dance floor.

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