Friday, February 12, 2010

Scrap Book Invitation Templates - Blogspot Help Me On My Project Thats A Big Part Of My Grade On A Painted House, Please?

Help me on my project thats a big part of my grade on A Painted House, Please? - scrap book invitation templates - blogspot

I need help with my project and here it is:
(Remember): Life Record nature scrapbook family, friends, travel, events, fetish, icons illstartions, drawings, prizes, cards, invitations, notes and journal entries.
Now I have to do is an album with all these things into the computer and need help with most of them. You need to be creative and have fun with it, so I have some ideas and answers as quickly as possible need. It is expected Wednesday, 22 January 2007. Please, I need help !!!!!! Oh, and what and how significant events were 7, 3-Man Front confict is man against man, man against nature, "What are the main problems related questions, please helpping me if you and please hurry up!


LeftFiel... said...

I'm not really sure what you are looking for ....

because it is supposed to have fun with this project ... I went to the ...... unconventional

7 most important events of life ... Marriage, birth, death, and completed his studies, receiving an excellent job, to another place within the price ....
(Sub events but .. we can arrest the black humor ...... .. (criminal history, had a document Goofy's arrest for an offense ..... really stupid fake ... put your fingers and add to the Editor Newspapers may add a nail file on the website )....... on the floor .. (your site can burn with an iron .. or burn the edges of the burned paper or images on paper .. To get an idea of fire or show received injuries .)..... (accident ... find a picture of a man wrapped from head to toe in bandages ... I get a piece of gAuze and red ribbon on your page .. Added Touch put some ketchup on them ...... Perhaps something to do or see something that looks like part of a tooth on the side to .....

You may be able to see pictures from the net .. .. Print & Cut only the desired part ... as death (a comic approach) has a picture in a church ... a picture of a coffin ... and embarrassed and angry faces, family photos ... To add an image from a fight with each fight () in the "coming into money "...... Show coffin ... of which give your character the subject of a lion and the rest is like a dollar. .. crazy .. see smiling faces and durability clapping women, only in a sports car .....

three conflicts .... V-mans.nature .... make a camping trip gone wrong ... Snakes, bears, time, etc. ..... ... my ... before him, man ... not sure what you mean .... a bad choice .... to go to a house in a trailer park (with the collapse ).....

I really do not know whether what you are looking for or not .... but I hope I gave you something that you could use .....

Good luck with the project .......

sledding... said...

Ok .. not sure if I read correctly .... here goes .. (it's late here ...)...

7 important events in people's lives ...

Baptism / Christening
First Communion
After the children
Buying a house
From their own
The first job / first kiss

You can go invitations and cards from a shop .. and making out .. as if the important parts of his life ... than what was actually going on ...

You may have to go on holiday ... How can they get .. where they are going and why .... such as travel tickets, airline tickets, toll tickets, etc.

Download and print pictures .. famous places ... and make an album ...

They take part ins memory games (and expensive) and use as Realations .. Fun for people, ideas ... or draw your own ...

Types of awards they can earn in your life .. Nobel Peace Prize, Sports, Science, etc. ..

Love can do the same notes, notes from the family, stupid comments, notes of everyday things, why do people write notes ...?

man vs. himself: Why do I want to go to college? What can I learn .... I want this job?

Man vs. man .. Competition

Nature in relation to the disease in humans ... .... etc.

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