Friday, February 5, 2010

Stories Preeteen What Kind Of Stories Are You Preeteen Girls Into Reading?

What kind of stories are you preeteen girls into reading? - stories preeteen

I want to write preeteen stories, but I need some ideas on what they like to read. pleazz you give me some ideas and inspiratiion


cammsier... said...

Would be for preteens, they have to propose something that can be put into relation. Popularity seems to be the norm, when my younger sister. Looking at the books that I remember, you must be very creative while you're there.
Examples: Warriors Series (talking cats Wild in the form of clans. Very creative)
Good luck!

help me? ...

Little Lady said...

Write to go about things the girls shot Preet in their daily lives, such as school and sports, friends, friends, etc., and it's interesting! Written in first person point of veiw girls, strong characters and a little funny. Preet Find your inner girl and pretend you are. A normal condition of life and the girls made an end Preet. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Silhouet... said...

Personally, I'm in books that are written in first person interested. You know, things of everyday life. School, at home, problems. All fictional, of course, but what happens in my life are similar. Preeteen Many go through the same things.

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