Sunday, February 21, 2010

Girls Locker Room Wedgie Girlfriend And The Underwear?

Girlfriend and the underwear? - girls locker room wedgie

Ok, so I have a boxer tighty whiti, but I always liked for the TWS. Now I'm accustomed to playing on children in the school with my cousin. In the locker room, I received a lot of wedgie, pantsings a couple and as a swirly. but thats Besides this, cuz thats usually just for fun. But recently I discovered that my girlfriend used primarily tighty tighty. She thinks it's funny and he loves to draw all the time. But he pulls back, a song on Sunday a little, just enough to start for the size and show a little white, then you makin me.

Do not care 1) really care about your clothes?
2) Do you think that makes it a little? lol

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