Monday, February 15, 2010

Teak Wood Flooring Pictures How Do I Achieve A "teak" Stain Coloring On Pine Wood?

How do I achieve a "teak" stain coloring on pine wood? - teak wood flooring pictures

The reforms that we do now. We have to replace a surprising agreement in recycled teak wood floors in our. But he could not take the place of many interior doors made from solid pine, impeccably. How do I get the same "teak" like color, to coordinate the forest preserve? Or is there an alternative that contracts like this? (Please do not make that the paint on the hardwood.)

Thank you very much.


Hotdog said...

for wood stain out ... depending on the number of applications that reach the color change that you are trying to to .. lengthy process, but it is the ideal solution to get the desired color.

goldlust... said...


parsonse... said...

You can take a sample of your soil and a piece of pine bare (you can mold a little bit to get your computer to save) to your local paint store and mix a place for you.

Larry-Ok... said...

Go to Lowes or Home Depot and have all the colors of select stain.They help.

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