Sunday, December 20, 2009

Electric Candle Lights Can I Light A Candle From An Electric Stove?

Can i light a candle from an electric stove? - electric candle lights

NO! If you melt the candle wax around the area around the burner a little piece of paper rolled burner.Twist very well or sail-shaped. The paper then light the candle.


Here I come said...

Yes you can. Simply touch the fuse element and electric light.

Here I come said...

Yes you can. Simply touch the fuse element and electric light.

Harley Lady said...

Why do you want? No, you must have a flame.

Harley Lady said...

Why do you want? No, you must have a flame.

David J said...

Id say yes its possible, but I think he is very intelligent, strong parties are used

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